
Southeast Compact Commission for Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management

Annual Reports

Article 4, Section (E) of the Compact Law requires that an annual report be prepared regarding the activities and actions of the Compact Commission. This report also contains the financial statements.

To request a copy of a previous report, contact us:

Commission Minutes

The Commission is required by its By-Laws to meet once each year. The Southeast Compact Commission’s fiscal year is from July 1 to June 30. Meetings are open to the public.

To request a copy previous Commission minutes, contact us:

Committee Minutes


Committee meetings are held as committee business presents itself. These meetings are also open to the public.

To request a copy previous Committee minutes, contact us:


Committee meetings are held as committee business presents itself. These meetings are also open to the public.

To request a copy previous Committee minutes, contact us:

Policy & Planning

Committee meetings are held as committee business presents itself. These meetings are also open to the public.

To request a copy previous Committee minutes, contact us:


The purpose of the By-Laws is to “govern and facilitate the operations and policies” of the Southeast Compact Commission. The By-Laws were adopted January 6, 1984 and have been amended as needed.

Compact Law

In 1983, the Southeast Interstate Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Compact was formed. The compact law was an agreement among eight states to share responsibility for the management of LLRW.

Policy Act

Congress passed the Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Act in 1980. The Act assigned responsibility to each state for managing the waste produced within its borders. It also encouraged states to share that responsibility by forming regional compacts. The Act was amended in 1985.

Policy on The Management of Low-Level Radioactive Waste

The Policy on the Management of Low-Level Radioactive Waste was adopted by the Commission in October 2015. The Policy states that permanent disposal of LLRW is preferable to either short- or long-term onsite storage and that the management of LLRW is handled most efficiently and economically on a regional basis.

Policies and Motions

Compilation of policies and motions passed by the Southeast Compact Commission since 1983.

To request a copy of any policy or motion passed by the Southeast Compact Commission, contact us:

Strategic Plan

Revised and adopted in June 2020, the Strategic Plan details the Commission’s Mission and Goals.

To request a copy of previous Strategic Plans, contact us: